Co-creation workshop | Italy - Second Round

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the co-creation workshop titled “Bias in Recruitment and HR Management: Co-creating Fair and Trustworthy AI Systems”, hosted by SVEN.

During the workshop, we will discuss the topic of fairness in recruitment processes and identify expectations for a Debiaser tool. This tool, known as the BIAS proof-of-concept technology, comprises modules that both identify and mitigate bias and unfairness in decision making processes. You will have the chance to join a multi stakeholder group consisting of HR officers, AI specialists, workers’ representatives and civil society organizations advocating for equality and inclusion. The outcomes of the co-creation activities will contribute to the development of AI-based bias detection and mitigation systems within the BIAS Project.

The duration of the workshop is 3 hours, and it will incorporate a combination of discussions and group work, with a networking session, as well.


Content Duration
Participants’ welcoming/introduction and BIAS presentation 30 mins
Group discussion on fairness in HR recruitment processes 1h
Group work on the requirements for AI tools in recruitment

In what language?

Laguna Libre

September 27th, 10am to 2pm CET

Responsible partner?
Smart Venice (SVEN)

BIAS co-creation workshops form

This is an inquiry about participation in the BIAS research project, where the main purpose is to identify and mitigate diversity bias of AI applications in the labour market. In this letter we will give you information about the purpose of the project and what your participation will involve.

May we keep you up to date about other BIAS activities?*

Fill in all the highlighted fields