In a groundbreaking two-day event held at the Aemilia Hotel in Bologna, Italy, from the 13th to the 14th of November 2023, the AI-on-Demand (AIoD) Community Forum, hosted by the ICT-49 cluster Projects in collaboration with the AI4Europe project, showcased an array of insightful discussions and success stories surrounding the theme, “The AI-on-Demand Platform: European Industry and Society Success Stories and Opportunities.”
On the first day, numerous projects seized the opportunity to introduce themselves through pitch sessions, unveiling initiatives that significantly contribute to the growth of the AIoD community. Among these projects was the BIAS, which presented its mission, main outcomes, and results achieved thus far. The event proved to be highly fruitful for BIAS, with Joana Martinheira (from LOBA, one of the BIAS partners) not only presenting but also expanding the project’s network and strengthening relationships within the AIoD community.