International co-creation workshop

Date: December 7, 2023

Time: 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM CET

Location: Venice, Italy

The BIAS consortium is travelling to Venice on December 7, 2023, to progress the development of the “Debiaser” AI tool. Debiaser, which employs AI, Natural Language Processing, and Case-Based Reasoning models, aims to combat gender, race/ethnicity, and other forms of bias in Human Resources management, especially during recruitment.

The consortium utilizes co-creation to draw insights from key users such as HR specialists, trade unions, NGOs representing underrepresented groups, legal experts, AI specialists, and philosophers working on equity and fairness concepts.

Previously, two rounds of co-creation occurred in several countries. The Venice workshop will unify participants from these countries for the following key objectives:

  1. Mapping Equity and Fairness: Discussing how equity and fairness concepts are practiced in HR/recruitment across different nations, identifying common themes and distinctions.
  2. Refining the Debiaser: Validating, refining, and expanding the requirements and functionalities list of the Debiaser tool.
  3. Evaluating Equity and Reliability: Exploring qualitative and quantitative methods to assess the equity and reliability of the Debiaser.

This international consortium is committed to enhancing global HR practices by making them more equitable and inclusive. This workshop marks a significant step toward creating a tool that empowers organizations to make fair and unbiased hiring decisions. Stay updated for more on this innovative development.