First-ever BIAS newsletter

The BIAS project is in full swing, exploring AI’s impact on the job market, particularly in relation to discrimination and bias. Here’s a quick rundown of our recent activities:

🌐 National Labs: Our doors are open, welcoming a diverse community to foster connections among AI and diversity professionals in labor markets.

🗣️ BIAS Survey: Your last chance to participate in the survey assessing AI diversity biases in the workplace (closes at the end of October).

🌍 International Workshops: In June and July 2023, we held enlightening national workshops with 144 participants from seven countries. This diverse group, including HR experts, AI gurus, workers, NGOs, and human rights advocates, tackled gender and diversity biases in recruitment. They also pinpointed biased language for the development of our innovative Debiaser system.

🛠️ Debiaser Tool: The BIAS project is actively crafting the Debiaser tool, a powerful weapon against AI recruitment bias. It promotes fairness through case-based reasoning and delivers objective candidate assessments while effectively correcting biases in AI language models. We’ve already shared some early insights at the EWAF workshop.

Dive into our inaugural BIAS newsletter to get an in-depth look at these groundbreaking developments.