Fair Futures at Work: BIAS Workshop at CPDP

Dive into the groundbreaking “Fair Futures at Work: Co-Creation and AI-driven Solutions in Governing the Hiring Process” workshop, hosted by the BIAS project at the esteemed Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) conference on May 24, 2024.

With the rapid expansion of AI technologies in Human Resource practices, there’s a pressing need to ensure fairness and transparency in the hiring process. That’s why the BIAS project is pioneering multidisciplinary solutions to combat diversity bias in AI-driven selection and recruitment. 

Join our expert panel as they delve into the potential and limitations of technical solutions to promote fairness and trustworthiness in AI-powered hiring. Explore the empowering role of co-creation methods in giving job applicants and workers a voice in shaping their employment futures. 

Excitingly, we’ll also be joined by our sister project, FINDHR, and the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) to share their invaluable insights into combating AI-driven labour market discrimination. Don’t miss out on this enlightening and inspiring event! 

Confirmed speakers

  • Moderator: Eduard Fosch-Villaronga (Leiden University, BIAS Project)

  • Speaker 1: Maria Sangiuliano (Smart Venice, BIAS Project)

  • Speaker 2: Alex Puttick (Bern University of Applied Science, BIAS Project)

  • Speaker 3: Alessandro Fabris (Max Planck Institute, FINDHR Project)

  • Speaker 4: Aida Ponce (European Trade Union Institute)

In what language?

Maison de la Poste, Rue Picard 5/7, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Herman Teirlinckgebouw, Havenlaan 88, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

The BIAS workshop will take place at Room Maritime.

24th of May, 14h15 CET.

Responsible partner?

You can also attend the “How to ensure fairness and non-discrimination in algorithmic hiring?” workshop, hosted by FINDHR, where the BIAS Principal Investigator (Roger A. Søraa) will be presenting the work developed under the BIAS project. This workshop will take place on the 22nd of May at 16h, on the HP Petite.

About CPDP: A Leading Forum for Technological Innovation and Policy

The CPDP (Computers, Privacy, and Data Protection) conference stands as one of the most significant forums discussing technological innovation and policymaking. Renowned for bringing together experts, policymakers, and practitioners, CPDP offers a platform for profound discussions and exchange of ideas on current and future trends in technology. This edition of the CPDP conference will focus on AI governance, making it an opportune moment to present the findings and discussions from the BIAS-hosted workshop.


For more information, please contact info@biasproject.eu or e.fosch.villaronga@law.leidenuniv.nl. To learn more about the CPDP event and the BIAS-hosted workshop, visit https://www.cpdpconferences.org/.


